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April 21, 2020
7 Reasons Why Miratech Excels at Remote Delivery

COVID-19 has demonstrated the resilience of our business and delivery model. Our 30 years of building the business, hiring and training people, and developing proprietary methodologies and tools have enabled us to develop the resilience...

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April 14, 2020
Business DIScontinuity: Building Long-Term Business Resilience

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected lives and businesses around the world and no industry is an exception. Almost every business continuity plan calls for addressing disruptions by shifting their operations from a disrupted market to a stable market.

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February 13, 2019
Miratech Project Rescue Assessment Methodology

Want to get from where you are to where you want to be? You need the right methodology. Guiding your IT projects from inception to success can be a daunting task. In fact, two-thirds of all IT projects started in the US fail,...

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November 16, 2018
Whitepaper: Call Centers: The Forgotten Target in Cybersecurity

Organizations today exist in an omnichannel world. Unfortunately, many of them have focused on protecting their online channels at the expense of their call centers.

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October 10, 2018
How to Avoid a 48-hour Call Center Outage

Download and read the story about one of the world’s largest hospitality providers that could have lost $15 million due to a small miscalculation of the time required for a seemingly simple task.  

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September 19, 2018
Trim Tab Impact DApp

Last month the Seafood Commons released an architecture for a Decentralized Autonomous Industry. This month we are introducing...

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August 19, 2018
ERM Intelligence Quotient: When Your Business Practices Screams the Need for ERM

Risk Management must be an integral component of today’s business organizations.

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July 15, 2018
AI Talent Pool Extends Far Beyond Silicon Valley

Last year, much of the conversation around artificial intelligence was dominated by headlines about the shortage of “AI talent”...

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July 7, 2018
AI – a Key Player in the Cyber Wars

As the world moves to becoming completely connected through the Internet of Things the amount of types of data available to organizations is increasing exponentially, but so is the number of entry points, putting a strain on cybersecurity teams to keep up.

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