We Stand with Ukraine Our initiatives


Volodymyr Vynnyk

Deputy Director, Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment

The Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment has cooperated with Miratech since 2007 in the building, development and support of a nationwide automated system to conduct independent external testing of Ukrainian secondary school leavers.

This solution was built based on DORECA, a document imaging and workflow technology from Miratech. The DORECA technology, which had successfully approved itself in the US market and had been adopted to match the needs of automation of a two-tiered process of document flow, was chosen as the basis for the independent external testing system because it provides a significant degree of reliability, simplicity of adjustment and scaling, as well as due to its ease of use by non-technical staff.

During the period of our collaboration, Miratech has proved to be a reliable partner, oriented at the maximum support in achieving customer’s goals, able to work under the conditions of changeable external limitations, when managing the project in an efficient and transparent way.

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