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Alexey Ivanov

OTP Bank

Informed decisions, the need for which is made mandatory by the urgent needs of growing businesses, is a pledge of translational motion in any sphere of economic activity. The said well applies to IT. The proper use of IT makes it possible to not only optimize existing processes, but to effectively address new challenges.

However, even a part modernization of information system of financial institutions is a large and complicated task. By implementation of such projects, a clear understanding of the specifics of the enterprise on the part of the integrator is of particular importance. This is why it is always advisable to find the right contractor. This must be a company, which the customer can rely on during all phases of the project. In addition, it is important not just to complete the project successfully, but also to provide post-project maintenance.

In these terms, our engagement with Miratech has fully justified itself. Solution to automation of foreign exchange transactions, or, more precisely, the automation of workflow associated with these operations, was implemented in strict accordance with business objectives the bank has posed to the contractor. In this regard, I would like to mention the professional level of change management provided by Miratech during the project main phase with system maintenance and system upgrades following it now. To date, to meet the diverse needs of the bank, we use various alternative options for access to the expertise and competencies of Miratech.

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