We Stand with Ukraine Our initiatives


Miratech’s Managed Competence Center® (MCC) has been developed to supply the competence required by clients through the most effective delivery models for each business case. Utilizing the right model at the right time reduces risks, eliminates inefficiencies, and breaks bottlenecks. Miratech’s MCC enables all required transformations, taking into account each client’s size, geography, IT landscape, culture, business domain, and more.

MCC strategic advantages:

Relentless Benefits

Guaranteed competence availability and capacity. Miratech retains the right people and offers precisely the required service level to ramp up and ramp down in line with the client’s business and/or volume needs.

Intelligent cost optimization. Cost optimization is enabled by hiring and retaining people in the most effective way, access to a larger resource base in multiple locations with the option to build teams in cost-effective near-shore locations, and intelligent use of blended delivery models with the right mix of onsite and offsite resources.

Relentless performance. Clients can achieve a higher speed-of-change and shorter time-to-market leveraging best practices, knowledge management, and professional teams from Miratech. We guarantee a performance that ensures economies of scale and re-use of best governance and delivery practices portfolio-wide throughout IT Transformation Initiatives.

Reduced risk. We guarantee relentless security, 100% client satisfaction, and high visibility though advanced reporting.


MCC Architecture

Management Consulting - Interim CIO/CTO/CISO. Portfolio Management. Program Management. Transformation leadership. Customer Domain Expertise.

Delivery - R&D Delivery managers, project managers, ITO service managers.

Performance - Performance based KPI’s on program, project and team levels. SLA on attrition levels.

Sourcing - SLA on service volumes and team capacity, team seniority distribution. Guaranteed resource replacement timeframes.

Infrastructure - Global headquarters are in New York, USA. Miratech sales, customer support, and research & development centers are in Israel, Norway, Poland, Philippines, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.

Ready to Build Your Success? It’s Our Guarantee.


Ready to Build Your Success? It’s Our Guarantee.