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Miratech Met with EDB to Discuss Business Expansion Strategy

Miratech Chief Executive Officer Valeriy Kutsyy and Miratech President Mykola Royenko were invited to visit EDB from May 21 through 23. The days they spent at the EDB Headquarters were full of events.

The Program of their visit included a series of presentations and discussions devoted to EDB business strategy, EDB offshore strategy, offshore strategy status and next steps, sourcing strategy for IT operations, operations in banking and finance, EDB brand and co-branding.

An enormous interest was shown at EDB offices in a series of presentations on opportunities with Miratech. It is enough to say that once the invitation for the workshop in Oslo was sent to all employees, 35 people registered within the first 15 minutes.

Besides, the formal meeting of the Board of Directors and Miratech shareholders took place. Among other, its agenda covered: review and approval of 2007 results, business progress for the first four months of 2008, plans of collaboration with EDB. The Board of Directors expressed their satisfaction with the results of Q1 2008, the Company’s performance, and work of the management team.

The additional day was intended for meetings with key EDB business development people, in order to develop the go-to-market strategy using an arm of EDB technologies successfully used in North Europe.

The visit of Miratech Chief Executive Officer Valeriy Kutsyy and Miratech President Mykola Royenko to EDB became one more important step in strengthening the partnership of Miratech and EDB and expansion of their business.


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